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Slapdee Crowns Himself King Of Zed Hip Hop

It was on the long-awaited and mostly anticipated day of 24th December 2015, were it all went down at one of the most famous night clubs in Zambia which is situated in Panganani Rd, off Lumumba Rd as you are going to Musonde Ngosa Rd, Holly Wood City is the place for the sake of being precise . The Clash Of The Titans ”Slapdee Vs Macky2” Show is what the powerful night club presented as the festive season present.


The Clash of the Titans ”Slapdee Vs Macky2” Show, took place during the night-fall of the very day. It was the massive turn out of people that provided the very show with the most live audience as they were all waiting anxiously for the one who was going to be Crowned the rightful Zambian Hip Hop King between the famous and most vibrant Macky2 and Slap Dee.

Both Hip-hop experts ‘Macky 2 and Slapdee’ did extremely well by putting up the best of their performances that even made the awesome audience anticipate more on what was going to happen at the end of it all. As the Show drew closer to an end, the die-hard fans remained glued to the show unfortunately what almost everyone was waiting for never happened in the sense that nothing was announced pertaining to whom the Zambian Hip-pop king is.

Slapdee facebook post


Nevertheless, the powerful cheers from Slap Dee’s fans that by-passed Macky2’s fans made Slapdee to distort the information on the 25th December, the day after the show, by announcing on his Facebook page that he beat Macky2 and was rightfully crowned the true Zambian Hip-Hop king via his fans cheers.